Environmental Design
We engage in data- and evidence-based practical education and research on environmental design for a sustainable future from broad perspectives - from the architectural, urban, and regional to the global level.
*The term, "area," here does not refer to the major, department, or course to which students or faculty members belong. It is used for convenience and clarity to explain the areas of study that are currently offered in the two faculties. Students at SFC engage in projects based on their interests, consequently creating fields of study of their own.
Architecture and Environmental Design
With a focus on the environment related to architectural space (such as architectural space design, structural design, and production methods), we conduct practical projects. We develop the methods of design and construction that are applicable to real-world situations, and consider ways to apply IT technologies to architecture and environmental design. Our class structure allows students to take the examination to become an ikkyu kenchikushi (first-class architect) in Japan.
Regional Environmental Design
We work to promote a decarbonized society, sustainable communities, and regional design that meet the demands for disaster risk adaptation and regional revitalization. To do this, we research, develop, and deploy technologies of spatial information and data analysis such as remote sensing, IoT-based field sensing, geographic information systems, and weather and climate analysis.
Urban Environmental Design
We engage in design research and practice - designing tangible and intangible elements in an environment that contribute to the safety and prosperity of people and communities - through the creation and preservation of urban and regional environments. To that end, we examine the history and culture of cities as well as the fabric of communities from standpoints including community development, regional revitalization, ecological environments, and disaster prevention systems.
Global Environmental Design
Using technological innovation and forming international partnerships, we devise strategic and practical approaches to addressing urgent global issues in the Anthropocene, such as climate change adaptation, disaster risk reduction, and sustainable development.
Other Research Fields
Language, Culture, and Communication
Social Innovation, Management, and Organizations