Research Grants
Grants Supported by SFC
This support program was established with funds provided by Mr. Kotaro Yamagishi, CEO of Keio Innovation Initiative, Inc., Co-Founder of GREE, Inc. and Keio University Vice-President for Finance, Fundraising, and Entrepreneurial Education and Support of Keio Univ. It provides grants for research projects of undergraduate students of the Faculty of Policy Management, the Faculty of Environment and Information Studies, and the Faculty of Nursing and Medical Care. The program aims to support research activities that impact society and embody the SFC spirit of improving the real world.
The Foundation offers grants-in-aid for research plans submitted by individuals or groups of students.
Through the courtesy of IKAI, Inc. group, the grant is given to students who conduct fieldwork research in Asia. The recipients must pass the screening test, take predetermined courses and conduct fieldwork research in Asia.
Applications are welcome from groups involved in "problem identification and solution" that intend to offer new policy ideas for a future Japan, and wish to receive financial support for conducting fieldwork.
This program aims to develop individuals with an international perspective whose research plan and implementation will contribute to the future development of Asia. The program particularly supports research that will spread Japanese culture, history, thought, and technology etc. into Asia and the Middle East.
Graguate School of Media and Governance
The grant is given to research projects with future potentials that are an experimental and/or approaching to a long-term research in the future.The projects must be led by project leaders who are Doctoral or Master's students of the Graduate School of Media and Governance.
[ Amount of Grant ]
Doctoral Students: A maximum of 400,000 yen will be awarded to each successful applicant
Master's Students: A maximum of 300,000 yen will be awarded to each successful applicant
This program aims to develop individuals with an international perspective whose research plan and implementation will contribute to the future development of Asia. The program particularly supports research that will spread Japanese culture, history, thought, and technology etc. into Asia and the Middle East.
Grants Supported by Keio University (Japanese only)
The following introduces an example of research grants for doctoral students supported by Keio University:The grant is given to fundamental / embryonic researches conducted by Doctoral students that are important, but difficult to be recognized by other grant programs.
Travel expenses will be partially subsidized within the amounts specified by destination for regular students currently studying at Keio University graduate schools to give presentations at international conferences or to travel abroad to conduct surveys or research.
Our research grants are intended to partially cover the cost of research activities. The Keio SFC Academic Society created a foundation in 2003 to offer research grants to SFC faculty members, to SFC undergraduate and graduate students, and to other members of the Society. Supported activities include (A) announcement of research results in Japan or overseas, (B) publication of research papers, (C) residential workshops, (D) field studies, and (E) the hosting of symposiums, (F) the Campus Activity.
The grant is given to research projects with future potentials that are an experimental and/or approaching to a long-term research in the future.The projects must be led by project leaders who are Doctoral or Master's students of the Graduate School of Media and Governance.
Amount of Grant
Doctoral Students: A maximum of 400,000 yen will be awarded to each successful applicant
Master's Students: A maximum of 300,000 yen will be awarded to each successful applicant