Student Life

Handbook for SFC International Students

Keio University SFC International Student Handbook 2024

How to use this handbook:

This handbook summarizes helpful information that you will need when you start to study at Keio University SFC as an international student. Please keep yourself updated through bulletin boards, websites for Keio University students, and course registration guides distributed by your faculty, graduate school, or campus using the terms in this handbook as keywords.

This handbook also includes information about municipal and commercial facilities. Please understand that Keio University does not make any particular recommendations on those facilities and does not take responsibility for any problems that may arise as a result of using those facilities' services and other information in this handbook.

Cover Page

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Before Coming to Japan

Chapter 2 Housing

Chapter 3 Administrative Procedures

Chapter 4 Other Procedures

Chapter 5 Status of Residence

Chapter 6 Financial Aid

Chapter 7 Health

Chapter 8 Daily Life

Chapter 9 Emergency


Back Page ~How to Start Your Life in Japan~

Download entire Handbook 2024 (148 pages) from HERE