Academic Options

The following is an introduction to the academic options offered by the Faculty of Policy Management and the Faculty of Environment and Information Studies, which you may refer to as a possible study option at SFC.

3.5-year Early Graduation System

Students with superior achievements, such as outstanding academic grades, who have satisfied the requirements for graduation, may graduate after 3.5 years (7 semesters) of enrollment. This system aims to support those who, for example, enrolled in September and will begin working in April, or those who enrolled in April and will advance to graduate schools abroad.

3.5-year Early Graduation System

Bachelor's-Master's Four-Year Integrated Education Program

Through this program, students can earn both a bachelor's degree in the Faculty of Policy Management or the Faculty of Environment and Information Studies and a master's degree in the Graduate School of Media and Governance in four years.
The standard length of study is six years in total -- four years for a bachelor's degree and two years for a master's degree -- but participation in this program gives students the opportunity to earn a bachelor's degree in three years and a master's degree in one year, for a total of four years of study.

Bachelor's-Master's Four-Year Integrated Education Program

Transferable Credits Earned Before Entering the Master's Program

Students can register for Program Courses (excluding courses held in parallel with the undergraduate faculties) offered by the Graduate School of Media and Governance while enrolled as an undergraduate, and if they advance to the Graduate School of Media and Governance after graduation, up to 8 credits earned from these courses may be counted as credits required for completing the master's program.

Early Admission Program

Admission to the first year of the Graduate School of Media and Governance is possible after completion of the third year of undergraduate studies or after completion of the first semester of the fourth year of undergraduate studies. The program is structured in such a way that the process of finding and solving problems continues consistently from the beginning of undergraduate studies to the end of graduate school. In addition, there is also a program that allows students to complete the Master's Program in one year, making it possible to obtain a master's degree in as little as four years from the time of undergraduate enrollment. All specified requirements must be met regarding the application. Be sure to check the Graduate School of Media and Governance Application Guidebook at the time of application for details.

Keio University Graduate School of Media and Governance

Biocamp | Advanced Biosciences Program at Tsuruoka Town Campus of Keio (TTCK)

Tsuruoka Town Campus of Keio (TTCK) is located in Tsuruoka City, Yamagata Prefecture, and houses the Institute for Advanced Biosciences, where cutting-edge advanced bioscience research, including metabolome science, is conducted. The Biocamp is a program where students stay at TTCK for 2 semesters (or 1 semester) to learn the basics of biosciences through the actual use of state-of-the-art experimental equipment. It is aimed at SFC students who have no experience doing experiments. They start from a very elementary level such as learning how to use the equipment. TTCK subjects taken at the Biocamp are regular SFC courses. Students do not need to take a temporary leave of absence and are able to earn the credits necessary for graduation.

KEIO SFC Systems Biology Project

Keio University Institute for Advanced Biosciences (IAB)

Internship and Fieldwork

The Faculty of Policy Management and the Faculty of Environment and Information Studies encourage off-campus study and research activities (off-campus study). In parallel with on-campus learning activities, students will have the opportunity to discover new problems and issues by trying out social practices and examining the results outside of the campus.
As part of off-campus studies, SFC offers various learning environment opportunities such as studying abroad, fieldwork, and internships. Among these, internships are a great opportunity for students to delve deeper into their research themes through practical off-campus work experience in addition to on-campus research activities, and to become more conscious of and better orientate themselves to their future careers.
Internship courses include "Internships in Business," "Internships in Public Organizations," and "Internships in Social Enterprises". Through actual work experience at various companies, NPOs, and venture companies, students are able to think about and experience the meaning of work, responsibilities as a member of society, and their future careers. In addition, "Field Research 1/2," which is part of Research Seminar courses, students themselves conduct on-site research and research activities (fieldwork) and work experience (internship) related to their research themes during the spring and summer breaks, with the aim of achieving concrete results.