Student Life

Extracurricular Activities

Group Activities

Great extracurricular activities make an ordinary college experience extraordinary. In line with the Keio spirit of independence and self-respect, students independently form and run over 380 different university clubs, teams, and student groups called "circles". Circle activities are quite popular amongst Japanese university students. A wide variety of about 120 student organizations such as tennis, soccer, dance and music circles rehearse on a regular basis at SFC. A group of students can start their own circle after completing the necessary procedure.

Athletic Association

The Keio University Athletic Association is Keio's oldest student-run organization, established in 1892 to train both mind and body. Yukichi Fukuzawa realized the importance of sports in education early on and proactively encouraged their inclusion in the curriculum. Since its founding, the Keio University Athletic Association has continued to be a national leader of varsity athletics, being the first to bring sports like rugby, hockey, and water polo to Japan in the 19th century. Currently 58 teams and clubs proudly represent the university at competitive sporting events as members of the association.

Aikido American Football Automotive Aviation (glider)
Baseball Basketball Boxing Equestrian
Fencing Golf Gymnastics Handball
Hockey Japanese Archery Judo Karate
Kendo Lacrosse Mountaineering Nippon Kempo
Riflery Rowing Rugby Sailing
Semi-hardball Shorinji Kempo Skating Skiing
Soccer Soft Tennis Sumo Swimming
Table Tennis Tennis Track Volleyball
Weightlifting Western Archery Wrestling

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The Waseda-Keio Games

Keio University and Waseda University have long been friendly yet fierce rivals in academic and athletic pursuits, mirroring the Oxbridge rivalry between Oxford and Cambridge. The Waseda-Keio Games, during which students from the two universities compete against each other in sports like baseball, rowing, rugby and soccer, are recognized throughout Japan. The baseball games in spring and fall are so popular with students, alumni and the wider public that they are broadcast on TV.