Research Fields

Research fields focused in the Faculty of Policy Management and the Faculty of Environment and Information Studies are categorized as "areas" as detailed in the table below.

*The "areas" here are not "majors," "departments," or "courses" to which students and faculty members belong. These areas are categorized by discipline to help understand what the faculties offer. SFC students are free to participate in projects and consequently create their own field of specialization.

Faculty of Policy Management

Research Fields Sub-fields
International Strategy Exploring the World with Increasing Complexity / Regional Strategy / Tackling Transnational Problems / Diplomacy and Security
Language, Culture, and Communication Using Language to Express, Communicate, and Make Meaning of the World / Language Education and Language Policy / Language and Its Relationship with Culture and the World / Language Use in Politics and Society
Social Innovation, Management, and Organizations Management Strategies and Startups / Organizational Management and Management Information Systems / Social Businesses, NPOs and NGOs / Community Design in the Information Society
Policy Design Methodologies of Policy Research / Economy and Finance / Policymaking and Legislation
Methodologies in Policy Management Studies Acquiring Methodologies in Policy Management Studies / Sharing Perspectives and Values / From Epistemological Science to Design Science / Combining Research and Practice to Drive Social Change

Faculty of Environment and Information Studies

Research Fields Sub-fields
Advanced Information Systems Internet Systems and Applications / Ubiquitous Information Systems / Computation Infrastructure / Knowledge and Information Systems
Advanced Design Studies Digital Fabrication and Algorithmic Design / Art, Landscape, and Communication / Art, Science, and Performance / Pioneering New Frontiers in Circulation Designs and Community Development Practices
Advanced Biosciences Advanced Health Sciences / Systems Biology / Systems Medicine / Environmental Biosciences
Environmental Design Architecture and Environmental Design / Regional Environmental Design / Urban Environmental Design / Global Environmental Design
Human Environment Language Cognition and Language Learning / Mental Health Sciences / Society and Community / Understanding and Learning Physical Movements

Research at SFC is not bound by the traditional boundaries of academic disciplines. The Faculty of Environment and Information Studies and the Faculty of Policy Management cover a diverse range of research areas with nearly 100 research activities. Interested students from the Faculty of Policy Management and the Faculty of Environment and Information Studies can join each research projects.