Advanced Biosciences

We work on the world's cutting-edge BioScience that integrate medicine, pharmacy, science, engineering, agriculture, information, and policy in SFC. Our main aim is to elucidate the mechanisms of life by synthesizing insights from across disciplines. These research contributes to the fields of health, medicine, food, and the environment.

*The term, "area," here does not refer to the major, department, or course to which students or faculty members belong. It is used for convenience and clarity to explain the areas of study that are currently offered in the two faculties. Students at SFC engage in projects based on their interests, consequently creating fields of study of their own.

Advanced Health Sciences

We aspire to contribute to realizing a society of healthy longevity through a novel integration of the humanities and sciences that involves drawing on advanced technology and Social Sciences focusing on health policy.

Systems Biology

SFC is a world pioneer in Systems Biology. We conduct omics analyses such as Genomics and Metabolomics and aggregated on computers to understand a complex life form as a system.

Systems Medicine

By applying Systems Biology to medicine and pharmacy, we contribute to elucidating disease mechanisms and developing treatments through a new approach that combines Molecular Biology, Information Science, and Analytical Chemistry.

Environmental Biosciences

We try to find microorganisms and molecules that are useful to the earth and make significant contributions to environmental studies by conducting projects like a comprehensive, genetic-level monitoring of organisms that exist in specific environments.

Other Research Fields

International Strategy

Language, Culture, and Communication

Social Innovation, Management, and Organizations

Policy Design

Methodologies in Policy Management Studies

Advanced Information Systems

Advanced Design Studies

Advanced Biosciences

Environmental Design

Human Environment