
- 2014.05.13
- APO-Keio Special Lecture "Japan and the Growth of the World Economy" Dale W. Jorgenson 5/22@Mita
- 2014.05.07
- Systems Engineering Center Tutorial 5/22@Hiyoshi
- 2014.04.17
- KMD and City of Yokohama have released a promotion video of Yokohama
- 2014.04.15
- Contemporary Eyes IV The Light Dwells: Imi Knoebel 5/19-7/11@Mita
- 2014.04.14
- KMD and GID information session via Ustream on April 18
- 2014.04.04
- Recruitment for Research Assistant (RA) of "Global Environmental System Leaders Program (GESL)"
- 2014.03.31
- 2014 Annual Health Checkup
- 2014.03.04
- Keio Leading Graduate School Program, "Science for Development of Super Mature Society" holds "Mentors talk a lot" Forum (@Osaka)
- 2014.03.03
- Newsletter No.13 of the All-round Leading Graduate School Program
- 2014.02.28
- 2013 Symposium on "Science for Development of Super Mature Society" 3/10@Mita
- 2014.02.03
- Newsletter No.12 of the All-round Leading Graduate School Program
- 2014.01.29
- Open Positions Faculty of Policy Management, Faculty of Environment and Information Studies, and Graduate School of Media and Governance
- 2013.12.27
- Newsletter No.11 of the All-round Leading Graduate School Program
- 2013.12.19
- SFC Open Research Forum 2013
- 2013.10.04
- Application Guidebook and Application Documents for GIGA Program 2014 are Now Available for Download
- 2013.09.05
- Application for GESL RA at Graduate School of Media and Governance
- 2013.07.23
- GIGA Program Summer Camp 2013 Report
- 2013.04.09
- Graduate School of Media and Governance 2013 Application Guidebooks are now available
- 2013.03.31
- Application for GESL course RA at Graduate School of Media and Governance
- 2013.03.04
- A Joint Briefing Session of the Environmental Innovators Course (EI course) and the Global Environmental System Leaders Course (GESL course)
- 2012.07.31
- A Joint Briefing Session of the Environmental Innovators Course (EI course) and the Global Environmental System Leaders Course (GESL course)