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2022 SFC Faculty Award Recipients

Faculty of Policy Management

Award to recognize particularly outstanding achievements




He has made efforts to improve the educational and research environment that has been established at Shonan Fujisawa Campus (SFC). As Dean of the Faculty of Policy Management (2009-2013) and Keio University Vice-President (2013-2021), he led the Miraisozojuku (Institute for Designing the Future) project, which was the starting point for the International Student Dormitory (Η Village) that opened on the Shonan Fujisawa Campus (SFC) in March 2023. In addition, he made a significant contribution to the publication of the book series "Exploring New Horizons in Policy Management" which was published in the spring of 2023.
He served as the leader of the Keio University 21st Century COE Program "Policy Innovation Initiative: Human Security Research in Japan and Asia" (2003-2006), where he contributed to the development of policy management studies by defining it as "the study of practical knowledge" and by working on constructing the theoretical framework of the field.

Faculty of Environment and Information Studies

Award to recognize particularly outstanding achievements


VAN METER, Rodney D.


He was appointed editor-in-chief of IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering, and his student received the best paper award at the International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering.

Award to recognize outstanding achievements




As chair of the organizing committee, he successfully organized the SFC Open Research Forum 2022 to be held at SFC. He has played a central role in the Camp for Designing the Future from its inception, and contributed to the realization of the first regional event in 2022.

Graduate School of Media and Governance

Award to recognize particularly outstanding achievements


ARAKAWA Kazuharu


He has continuously promoted the design and operation of practical training classes that led to the recognition of academic results by the students. He was also highly acclaimed for his results in participating in the Impulsing Paradigm Change through Disruptive Technologies Program (ImPACT) under the Japan Science and Technology Agency, where he led industry-academia partnered, international joint research yielding results that were met with critical acclaim.

Faculty of Nursing and Medical Care

Award to recognize particularly outstanding achievements


BATTY, Aaron Olaf


He is highly acclaimed for his research accomplishments as an expert in applied linguistics. He has also made significant contributions to improving the research environment on campus as a whole.

Award to recognize outstanding achievements


SOEDA, Etsuko

Associate Professor

As chair of the committee in charge, she contributed to the restoration of the in-person Pinning Ceremony, an important learning milestone in the faculty.


KOIKE, Tomoko

Associate Professor

She supported student organization activities that harness "positive deviance" to identify and shape successful everyday behaviors for nursing students undergoing on-site training.