Humanities and Communications (HC)
Those with an * (asterisk) are not a member of the Graduate School Committee, but a member of each Program (Research Fields). They cannot become your academic advisor.
Member List
BABA, Wakana
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Policy Management
Graduate school of Media and Governance
Areas of Expertise: German Area Studies, Modern German History
FUJITA, Mamoru
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Environment and Information Studies
Graduate school of Media and Governance
Areas of Expertise: Latin American Studies (esp. Andean societies), Linguistic Anthropology of the Andes, Aynu Language and Aynu Oral Literature, Anthropology of Development, Modern Japanese Literature (esp. Oe Kenzaburo and Tsushima Yuko)
KUNIEDA, Takahiro
Professor, Faculty of Policy Management
Graduate school of Media and Governance
Areas of Expertise: French literature, French language education
Associate Professor, Faculty of Policy Management
Graduate school of Media and Governance
Areas of Expertise: Chinese Linguistics, Communication Strategies, Chinese Education
Associate Professor, Faculty of Policy Management
Graduate school of Media and Governance
Areas of Expertise: Political philosophy, French philosophical thoughts
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Policy Management
Graduate school of Media and Governance
Areas of Expertise: French Literature, French as a Foreign Language, Quebec Literature
Associate Professor, Faculty of Policy Management
Graduate school of Media and Governance
Areas of Expertise: Southeast Asian Studies (esp. Indonesia), Malay-Indonesian language
Professor, Faculty of Policy Management
Graduate school of Media and Governance
Areas of Expertise: Historical Sociology
Associate Professor, Faculty of Policy Management
Graduate school of Media and Governance
Areas of Expertise: Applied Linguistics, Japanese Language Education, Multicultural/Intercultural Education
TAKAGI, Takeya
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Policy Management
Graduate school of Media and Governance
Areas of Expertise: Korean Language Study, Dialectology, Discourse Analysis
* TOMONO, Takao
Associate Professor, Faculty of Policy Management (Non-tenured)
Areas of Expertise: Japanese Language Education, Cultural Psychology, Refugee studies
Professor, Faculty of Policy Management
Graduate school of Media and Governance
Areas of Expertise: Language & Teaching Design, Language Learning Technology, German literature, media studies
Associate Professor, Faculty of Policy Management
Graduate school of Media and Governance
Areas of Expertise: Arabic Literature, Middle Eastern Society and Culture Studies
Submember list
Professor, Faculty of Policy Management
Graduate school of Media and Governance
Areas of Expertise: International Politics, Comparative Politics, Political Development Studies, The Transcaucasus Area Studies
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Environment and Information Studies (Tenure track*)*This is not the official name of the position.
Areas of Expertise: Early Modern English Literature and Culture
Professor, Faculty of Policy Management
Graduate school of Media and Governance
Areas of Expertise: International Security, Security in Asia-Pacific, Regionalism in East Asia, Japan's Defense and Security Policy
TAJIMA, Eiichi
Professor, Faculty of Policy Management
Graduate school of Media and Governance
Areas of Expertise: The Study on China, Especially on Chinese Civil Society, Public Religions, and Chinese Christian Associations.